Power Wagon Rally - The Early Years DVD - ACC-123 – Vintage Power Wagons
Power Wagon Rally - The Early Years DVD - ACC-123

Power Wagon Rally - The Early Years DVD - ACC-123

Vintage Power Wagons

  • $10.00
  • Save $9.95

Well over thirty years ago, the very first Vintage Power Wagons-sponsored Power Wagon Rally occurred. The rally was a big success and was filmed and made available to the Power Wagon world on VHS tape. The second rally was another big hit and was also documented in a similar manner. We’ve had some requests for the footage of these first rallies over the years but since we no longer have any VHS tapes available and most people have done away with the old VCR, we decided it was time to reformat these videos on a Newer form of media.
This DVD features the first 2 Rallies with shots of great vehicles, fun events, and interviews with truck owners and participants. The aspect ratio has been changed to 16:9 from the original 4:3. The video is in color and both features combined have a play time of 58 minutes.
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